Friday 9 June 2017



You are looking for a savior? During this time you fall prey to the greedy selfish profit to build a mountain of gold for themselves and make you their prey with endangering the health and lives of  you, they will stop from seeking alternative treatment to a full recovery, they wants you to continue with dialysis machine so that the money continues constantly flow into their pockets without interruption. Dialysis industry will not allow you to quit undergoing dialysis treatment and did not want u to heal completely, if you have the desire or the hope of a cure then you have to use your own common sense, they would wash their hands and not going to help. They extort money while you suffer in pain, they will try that your suffering continue unabated,  lasting to enable them to get rich.
Every day thousands of people undergoing dialysis just to give profit to the dialysis industry, the patient's life into the lives of fish rather than to recover completely but only temporarily go for 1day after dialysis body ok enter day 2 that ok only just a little, enter day 3 body was not ok, go to 4 days has become obligatory for dialysis treatment  or  your soul soar (death). Previously (before you undergo dialysis treatment) you should not die on day 4, you might be a little sore but not death  but now you have no choice, undergo dialysis or awaiting death, lives has become so critical.
Message to kidney patients: Do not leave your money in piracy by Dr, no freedom of life, the mind is always disturbed, future so dark. Do not let it all occurs when you agreed to undergo dialysis treatment. Learn it that you do not need to undergo dialysis, kidney disease (kidney failure) was all just a myth and not true at all and if it's true once, the kidneys may be treated to recover and function as it was, only by making treatment and medication here, without surgery. What happened exactly is your kidneys has become damaged because you are taking the medication with many  drugs content and poison contained in the medicine that has caused severe damage to the kidneys, resulting in kidney failure, the next blood cell has been contaminated 

Those who undergo dialysis are commonly called the treatment "cleaning kidney" The question is whether the kidney which has been damaged it can be good again (cured) by simply washing it?  Of course is not at all, the kidneys which in washing it will only be clean but will not heal, the kidneys keep it fails. Next (if you agree) that the kidneys have to change (organ transplant) with the new kidney through-consuming operation cost $$ hundreds of thousands. So avoid it from undergoing dialysis treatment, say NO to dialysis.
There are 2 ways how dialysis can be prevented / stopped

1. If you are recommended by Dr. in the hospital to undergo dialysis treatment,  say "NO" and  never sign a form of treatment  that  is out soon but escape and look for complimentary or traditional treatment to cure your kidney , for example here la. If you agree to undergo dialysis treatment means you have booked death,  means the death of  the pocket and  the soul will drift. After that you can’t do a U turn.  Returned to them and say NO to dialysis treatment 

2. If you have undergone the operation for dialysis treatment,  devices has been planted in your body, the body has changed the ecosystem in which your body works through the engine, not normally. Without your machine body will not help out. Therefore, get the Dr who dissect you used to say to return ecosystems body as before, remove all equipment that has been planted, reattach the blood vessels veins and nerves that have been cut, after the ecosystem bodies have become normal you can undergo rehabilitation therapy of  kidney in here to recover fully without the need for dialysis.


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